How Long Is The Best Time For Plywood Storage
Industry News 2024-09-27 15:47:00
How Long Is The Best Time For Plywood Storage

Plywood is widely used in a variety of furniture manufacturing, widely loved by people, but, after the purchase of plywood, timely storage conditions, plywood will also have a storage validity period, then, plywood storage the best time is how long?

Plywood has the optimum life and service life, so both in the storage process or when using should pay attention to its use and storage period, usually the maximum shelf life of plywood in the storage period should not exceed two months. Plywood requirements storage environment must ensure dry and ventilated, must avoid with oil, corrosive substances placed together, and must do a good job of rain and waterproof work.

It should also be noted that the long-term storage of plywood will be due to moisture in the air caused the water content of the plywood to increase, thus affecting the physical performance of the plate and the quality of the sheet.

Therefore, it is recommended that the best date of plywood should not exceed 60 natural days, that is, two months, plywood maximum storage time of not more than 6 months, appropriate storage time, help to protect the quality of plywood, more conducive to later use of products. The above is plywood storage the best time is how long the whole content, in summary, in order to ensure the quality of plywood use and construction quality, plywood is best within two months of the library plywood out of the warehouse to use.